Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mary Sues

I've taken a lot of "Mary Sue" tests for fun, just to see what on earth the general writing community considers a Mary Sue- or a Gary Sue, what have you. Usually, however, I really don't agree with how the questions are set up. They make it impossible to have a character who does not possess the traits they list, because if they didn't, they wouldn't be a fictional person. It's especially difficult to do with a fantasy like setting because "magic" is involved, and unfortunately a lot of stereotypical crap is lumped in with that. I took one over at that I've taken before, and my results were thus:

"Lonlor is nothing like you. He isn't really very cool: he blends into crowds, he hangs out on the fringes at parties, and wearing shades after dark makes him run into things. He may have sometimes thought that he was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. He's had more than his fair share of hard knocks, and probably spends more time than he ought moaning about it. And he's gotten no slack from you.

In general, you care deeply about Lonlor, but you're smart enough to let him stand on his own, without burdening him with your personal fantasies or propping him up with idealization and over-dramatization. Lonlor is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of him."

Which was pretty interesting to me, though I'm glad to hear he of all characters scored low on this particular Mary Sue test. Because as far as main characters goes, he has the teenager finds amulet has to go save the world and reluctant hero nonsense counting against him, because heaven knows THAT'S been done before.

And, granted, a lot of the questions on there were questions that held incredibly over used cards that authors tend to favor and readers tend to somehow eat up. Half breeds, outcasts, abuse, torture, tattoos, scars, etc. And I do agree that these things can be overdone, and in a lot of cases, they are. However, it caused me to question the definition of a Mary Sue outside of fan-fiction. What would qualify a character to be a Mary Sue? The first thought that comes to most recent reader's minds is Bella Swan from Twilight- at least, thats the first example that comes to my mind. But what makes her a Mary Sue? Is it over used cliches? There's nothing really extraordinary about her, if you think about it. She is apparently the cats meow (or the vampires bite, the dogs bark- yes, I think I'm hilarious) of Forks, as she attracts every male within miles. She also takes to the vampire mojo very quickly with disturbing ease, but beyond that, what is so Mary Sue about her?

Yeah, I drew a blank too. So then why, if she has these two big things that could have been written well, do I immediately jump to her when I define Mary Sue? There are people out there who are naturally great at many things. I bet you can bring to mind a few of them that you know or know of, and how it can be a little annoying that they are so naturally gifted. There are also women who men tend to think of as beautiful across the board and who always get the attention of the opposite gender. So what's the big deal when you combine these things? What makes a Mary Sue...sueish?

My answer is this: Execution.

No, not a massacre of Mary Sues (though I do support that), but how their writer's actually execute their characters. Stephanie Meyer could have pulled off Bella Swan. She could have bulked out the same character instead of letting shallow, bland facts define her. I'm never against the general story of Twilight- what has always been a chip on my shoulder was how it was written. How the tale was carried out, how the characters were fleshed out (well, they really weren't. They all have one general emotion to stick to- Jacob was usually aggression, Edward melancholy, Bella passiveness), and how the author chooses to portray them. Because you know what? I love mush. I love triangles of the mushy variety, and I love torment and conflict and meshed together feelings with a random mythical creature thrown in. I'm all for these things, but if executed poorly like they were written by a chicken with it's head cut off, they turn sour. It's like leaving a banana on the counter for three weeks. You don't want to consume it, you don't want to go near it, and you definitely don't want to touch it. You're not entirely impressed by who left it there, because they certainly did not pay enough attention to put it into the trash where it belongs.

I don't believe in "over used" cliches. I don't think that all because a thousand people execute the same idea poorly, that one person should be denied a shot at it. Because hey, I have a half blood in my story, and he's one of the main characters. And guess what, my main character was abused growing up, and yeah, it affects him whenever he interacts with women, because he has two categories for women in his life time. One, his foster parent who never hesitated to smack him around and use force to enforce her will, and two, his sister, who is the direct opposite and sweet, caring, kind and was the only thing keeping him sane during their childhoods. Then you toss in Naomi, who starts to file into the latter category for him, but then he realizes that hey, she's not his sister. She has no reason to act the same, yet she does, and it's different, so what does that make her?

The point is, my personal definition of Mary Sue characteristics is this: A Mary Sue is made up of seemingly randomly, unexplained pieces that are not at all sewn together properly. This doesn't mean you need to provide answers for everything. Reader's don't need pages of back story of why a character's hair is a certain shade, or why they like baloney instead of turkey in their sandwiches. It's a good idea to get a grasp of what is considered cliche, or over used, or Mary Sue-ish, and to check out how not to execute your personal character. But heck, if you want a love triangle, you go for it. If you want your character to be tatted up, if you want your main character to be blonde, if you want them to have unusual coloring, magical powers and fairy wings that bring all the boys to the yard, then go for it. Write and create your little heart out, but remember that when people look at your character, they will be able to see how much you've actually put into it. And what you put in is exactly what you will get out.

Just remember to connect those pieces, stamp your own mark across the creation, and to never be afraid to do something that has been done before. Because guess what? As true as it is that there is nothing new under the sun, it hasn't been done by you before, now has it? And that, in itself, is new.

Just don't go out and make it a Mary Sue.


  1. I have to comment on this- "yes, I think I'm hilarious"
    Good! Because I agree with you! This made me laugh. A LOT. XD

    I once took one of those character quizes, and the character got a NEGATIVE 2 (it was on that really really big mary sue quiz that's hard to read). I didn't even know that was possible, nor do I know what it means. Perhaps he was boring. I'm not sure! I'm sure execution (...haha) will have to do a lot with how to make his character interesting as well.
    Yeah, I have nothing else to add. I pretty much agree with you there :]

    Also- the image of Lonlor running into things because he's wearing shades at night is priceless. This needs to be drawn XD

  2. As usual, a great post!! It is all about execution! Either you over do stuff or in the case of Twilight, have lack of qualities and depth and there for you can get a Mary Sue. Mary Sues can be overly complex with every single cliche thing happening to them or be like Bella Swan were she is not really developed as a character and seems to be the only true "normal yet still special" person in the story. (Like her being clumsy but some how she is special that Edward can't read her mind and when she becomes a vampire she is strong-willed enough to NOT attack NOR BITE a human.)

    But I think it is for sure easier to make a Mary-Sue for fanfiction as that's where most are found. Heck, I know one of my characters is close to that because she's fanfiction but I'm cutting down on her. Anytime an original character of yours is in a canon setting of another series, there is always the chance they will outshine the other characters because you don't want your OC to seem dull. But you can also make them about the same level, just not better.

    Given actually Venn has the highest score from all the Mary Sue tests I took. Which isn't a surprise because hey, he was abused physically, tortured, picked on, is an outcast, is a member of a despised raced and he's lost a loved one (his father). And Ryo is made up of some cliches, having amnesia

    Honestly these are the tests that I use:

    super long test:

    (I think for most accuracy you need to average out the grade but even then these tests are official. It's like you said, it's how you execute it. I could rub it in everyone's faces that Matteo is a half-blood but I'm keeping it under wraps for a while in the story where at a point he comes out and says he's half-human half-light elf not full. (Naturally most humans can't tell but elfs can.) And Ryo's amnesia, I'm not having him go around moaning about it. Instead he's searching and doesn't bring it up, trying to make a new life for himself.

    Cliches are cliches because they have been over used in literature. But that's not authors' faults. Besides, nothing new is under the sun. Ideas get recycled and get executed in new ways or with some different details and then it's the next best thing (Avatar vs Pochahontas, the whole basic undertone of whites invading a foreign land, fighting the natives, trying to crush them, one from each side meets and falls in love, the natives win/there is a compromise).

    Mainly my thoughts to not make a Mary Sue is that my character is indeed my own and original. I mean as I said before, nothing is new, but I don't want something that is basically an exactly copy and paste version of a character. In fact, (I am not ashamed to say this), Ryo is inspired by the Power Ranger's wolf enemy Zen-Aku, Jason Bourne, Van Helsing and even a bit of Aragorn. I'm sure there are a few others but I can't recall at the moment. But I admit, I like my sullen, brooding characters only as I write more for Ryo I'm discovering that he talks more then I thought. I mean, yes he could be full of angst of having almost no memories but he's mainly confused as he apparently has the answers to who he is upon his person, namely his race. So while figuring out his past, he in the mean time has to deal with being shunned and challenge just for his species so he can't just sit there and mope. Besides, brooding and being bitter is Venn's job (which is part of his journey of learning to let things go and forgive. Matt is the opposite of him, he gets picked on and shunned but he bounces back with humor instead of resentment.)

  3. Glad you both enjoyed this! Yay em, super glad you were amused by my purpose funnies hehe!

    And yeah, Elysse, good points :)
